Ubuntu install E: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt –fix-broken install’ with no packages (or specify a solution)
kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClientTimeoutException: Timed out waiting for connection while in state: CONNECTING
Docker save镜像提示Error response from daemon: stat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/xx: no such file or directory
mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
redis哨兵redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException: Can connect to sentinel, but mymaster seems to be not monitored…
Kafka Uncaught error in kafka producer I/O thread: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender) java.lang.IllegalStateException: No entry found for connection 0
APISIX runtime error: /usr/local/apisix/apisix/init.lua:332: attempt to index local ‘matched_ssl’ (a nil value)
nginx nginx: [warn] could not build optimal variables_hash, you should increase either variables_hash_max_size: 124
Loki error=server returned HTTP status 500 Internal Server Error (500): at least 2 live replicas required, could only find 1
kafka: Kraft mode You cannot use Kraft mode and Zookeeper at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Disable zookeeper in ‘.Values.zookeeper.enabled’ and delete values from ‘.Values.externalZookeeper.servers’ if you want to use Kraft mode
kube-state-metrics forbidden: User “system:serviceaccount:ops-monit:kube-state-metrics” cannot list resource “leases” in API group “coordination.k8s.io” in the namespace “kube-node-lease”
信创Arm及x86麒麟V10离线安装Keeplived yum配置保留依赖包(可选) 我们找相同版本的v10来保留yum进行下载,这里也可以不配置,下面我提供了针对ARM版本和x86的openssh-devel依赖包 [root@iZ2zecfxohjf10ckf4zqpjZ ~]# vim /… 赞 参与讨论{{item.data.meta.comment}}条讨论
信创Arm及x86麒麟V10离线安装Keeplived yum配置保留依赖包(可选) 我们找相同版本的v10来保留yum进行下载,这里也可以不配置,下面我提供了针对ARM版本和x86的openssh-devel依赖包 [root@iZ2zecfxohjf10ckf4zqpjZ ~]# vim /… 赞 参与讨论{{item.data.meta.comment}}条讨论
作者: 信创Arm及x86麒麟V10离线安装Keeplived yum配置保留依赖包(可选) 我们找相同版本的v10来保留yum进行下载,这里也可以不配置,下面我提供了针对ARM版本和x86的openssh-devel依赖包 [root@iZ2zecfxohjf10ckf4zqpjZ ~]# vim /… 赞 参与讨论{{item.data.meta.comment}}条讨论
信创Arm及x86麒麟V10离线安装Keeplived yum配置保留依赖包(可选) 我们找相同版本的v10来保留yum进行下载,这里也可以不配置,下面我提供了针对ARM版本和x86的openssh-devel依赖包 [root@iZ2zecfxohjf10ckf4zqpjZ ~]# vim /… 赞 参与讨论{{item.data.meta.comment}}条讨论